
Japan Society of Stuttering and Other Fluency Disorders

Greeting from the President


Norimune Kawai

I am Norimune Kawai, honored to assume the role of the fourth-term President of the Japan Society of Stuttering and Other Fluency Disorders, succeeding the esteemed Taiko Nagasawa, former Chairperson.

The Japan Society of Stuttering and Other Fluency Disorders, established in 2013, aims to advance clinical progress and development through research on stuttering and other fluency disorders, with the overarching goal of enhancing the quality of life for individuals affected by stuttering and fluency disorders. Our unique focus extends beyond stuttering to encompass research on various fluency disorders, fostering mutual exchange among individuals with fluency disorders, healthcare professionals, and researchers.

To achieve our objectives, I envision focusing on three key goals during my tenure. While these goals reflect my personal thoughts at present, I intend to consult with the board of directors to explore their feasibility further.

Firstly, as an academic organization, I aspire to enhance the vibrancy of our society, particularly through initiatives such as increasing submissions to our academic journal, "The Japan Journal of Stuttering and Other Fluency Disorders." While the current emphasis on publishing original research papers remains, I believe diversifying our content to include research notes, case studies, and book reviews could enrich our publication. Additionally, I aim to explore innovative approaches, such as incorporating videos into our publications, to ensure our journal remains relevant and engaging for both experienced researchers and those new to scholarly writing.

Secondly, drawing upon the international connections forged during our 2018 international congress on fluency disorders in Hiroshima and the diverse membership of our society, I seek to promote initiatives that capitalize on our unique attributes. Examples include collaborating with domestic and international organizations to host events like International Stuttering Awareness Day or Disability Awareness Week, facilitating knowledge-sharing sessions between researchers, clinicians, and advocacy groups, and exploring avenues for collaborative research endeavors that leverage datasets contributed by individuals with fluency disorders.

Thirdly, I am committed to nurturing the next generation of leaders in stuttering research and clinical practice. Initiatives may include establishing a mentorship program where faculty members from various institutions provide guidance to graduate students conducting stuttering-related research, offering on-demand courses on stuttering and cluttering to accommodate members' schedules, and actively disseminating information about training opportunities and workshops related to stuttering and cluttering through our society's website and social media platforms.

Over the next three years, I am excited to work alongside our esteemed board members, trustees, and members to elevate the Japan Society of Stuttering and Other Fluency Disorders, ensuring a vibrant and fulfilling experience for all involved. Your support and collaboration are invaluable as we embark on this journey together.

Warm regards,

Norimune Kawai
President, The Japan Society of Stuttering and Other Fluency Disorders

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